Newsday Tuesday

Newsday Tuesday

Newsday Tuesday will keep you in the know of all Optimist happenings. The Newsday Tuesday newsletter, is Optimist International's leadership email, which is filled with important news, events, communication, marketing material, notices, deadlines, and information to share among Clubs, Members, and community. Published on Tuesdays and sent to all Optimists in leadership positions (Current Year Officers: Club Presidents, Lt. Governors in the Zones, District Governors, Vice Presidents of the Regions, International Board of Directors and professional staff).

If you are seeing this on our website or at your Club meeting and wish to receive this publication via email, please click the sign-up button below to sign up for Newsday Tuesday.

Troubleshooting if you are an Optimist Leader and have not received your monthly Newsday Tuesday email newsletter:

  • Make sure your email is current, updated, and entered correctly in the Optimist database.
  • Check your junk/spam folder.
  • Set up an email filter/rule, so that emails coming from Optimist International are not lost.
  • If you are still having any problems getting emails please contact us at

    Current Edition

    February 2025- Optimist Day
    February 2025- President to President (2/6/25)

    The Torch
    The Torch The Torch is the official newsletter of Junior Optimist International. The Torch is published several times each year. The October issue is mailed to Club Advisers, e-mailed through Optimist Mail and posted on the website. All other issues are distributed electronically through the website and Optimist Mail.

    To submit a story or photographs for consideration, please send an e-mail to or call (800) 500-8130.