John Doe
Current Optimist Club(s)
Optimist Club of St. Louis, Missouri
Optimist Club of Clayton, Missouri
Other Optimist Clubs you belonged to in the past:
Optimist Club of Kirkwood, Missouri
Date you first joined an Optimist Club:
Year(s) you were a Club President:
Year(s) you were a Lieutenant Governor:
Year(s) you were a District Governor:
International Offices or positions you have held:
Optimist Awards achieved:
1. What are your primary qualifications for this office?
2. Why should a Club vote for you?
3. (VP-Elect candidates) What specific things will you do to help the Clubs and Districts in your Region?
(Board and Pres.-Elect Candidates) As an Optimist International Board member, or Optimist International President, what specific things will you work to achieve for the good of the organization?
4. Anything else you would like to say to Clubs.
David Bruns
International Board of Directors
Judy Boyd
Don Brose
Sue Creswell
Adrian Elcock
Esthermarie Hillman
International Vice President-Elect
Great Plains
Mark Claussen
Mid Atlantic
Barbara Timmons
Middle America
Robert Floyd
Northeast & Great Lakes
Ann Donkers
James Adams
Albert Clark
St. Lawrence
Luc Dubois
West Coast
Charlie Pease