Optimist Junior Golf Tour TBD

Tournament Details

Register now

Tee Times and Results
Optimist Junior Golf, in cooperation with Shotstat, will feature live scoring. See tee times, results and the hole-by-hole scores of players as they compete.

Top finishers will be exempt from having to qualify for the summer 2025 Optimist International Junior Golf Championship at Trump National Doral Resort in Miami, Florida as follows:

Boys 16-18 (Top 3)
Boys 14-15 (Top 3)
Boys 11-13 (Top 4)
Girls 14-18 (Top 4)
Girls 11-13 (Top 4)

Age Divisions and Eligibility
Age divisions offered: Boys 16-18, 14-15, 11-13 and Girls 14-18 and 11-13. To be eligible, golfers may not be enrolled in college. All golfers may apply to "play up" and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

** All players must meet the scoring criteria for this event in order to qualify for the Championships:

Target Scores
Boys 11-13: 192
Boys 14-15: 166
Boys 16-18: 156

Girls 11-13: 192
Girls 14-18: 170

Tournament Format
Competition is 36-hole stroke play. Carts and caddies are prohibited for all tournament rounds. Time and weather permitting, a playoff will occur for first place positions only. All other ties will be broken using a scorecard playoff.

Schedule of Events

Friday, October 13
All day -- Optional practice rounds
2-6 p.m. -- Tournament sign-in

Saturday, October 14
starting at 7:00 a.m. -- Tournament sign-in outside The Smokhouse Restaurant
9 - 9:30 am Shotgun start -- Tournament Round 1
11:00 a.m. – End of play -- Player's Lunch

Sunday, October 15
9-9:30 am Shotgun Start-- Tournament Round 2
11:00 a.m. – End of play -- Player's Lunch
Following Play -- Awards ceremony

Registration Fee
The registration fee for the tournament is $232.00. The registration fee includes two tournament rounds, range balls prior to play, golfer's lunch on both days, and an Optimist Golf gift package. Player or family is responsible for making their own hotel arrangements. Registration based on space availability –first come-first serve.

Refund Policy: Please review the following refund policy before withdrawing from an Optimist Junior Golf event:
Tournaments: Players that have registered for a tournament may withdraw between the date of their registration and three weeks prior to the event's first tee time and receive a full refund minus a $50 processing fee.
After three weeks prior to the first tee time, players will be charged $100 of the original entry fee.
10 days or less of the first tee time, no refund will be issued.

Driving Range and Putting Green
Registration includes range balls prior to play and unlimited access to practice greens on days of rounds.

Rules and Regulations
The tournament will be played in accordance with all USGA and local course rules. A local rules sheet will be given to all players at tournament registration.

Carts, Pull Carts, Caddies and Distance Measuring Devices
Electric carts and caddies are prohibited in all age divisions for all tournament rounds. Pull carts are allowed in all age divisions for all rounds.  Participants must provide their own equipment. 

Distance measuring devices are allowed. In this competition a player may obtain distance information by use of a distance-measuring device. If, during a round, a player uses a distance-measuring device to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect his play (e.g. elevation changes, wind speed, etc.) the player is in breach of Rule 4.3(1).

Completion of Play
Provided there are no weather or other delays, the final round is scheduled to conclude by dark. Please plan your departures accordingly and allow for ample time for airport transfers. If the final round cannot be completed by dark due to weather delays or unforeseen circumstances, the tournament will revert back to the last 18 holes completed by the entire field. If inclement weather suspends play on the final day of the tournament and it is determined that all players in an age division cannot complete 18 holes by dark but the entire field in an age division can complete a common 9 holes, then the tournament will revert to a 27-hole event. If a common 9 holes cannot be completed on the final day then the tournament will revert back to the last round completed by the entire field in an age division.

Questions or Inquiries
All questions or inquiries should be directed to the Optimist Junior Golf office. Please e-mail golf@optimist.org or call 314.881.1307 or toll free 800.500.8130, ext. 207.


The Optimist Junior Golf Tour is ranked by the Junior Golf Scoreboard

Course and Yardages

All divisions will play on the golf course at The Green Valley Ranch Course. Approximate course yardages are:

BOYS 11-13
6,086 yards (Gold Tees)

BOYS 14-15
6,550 yards (Blue Tees)

BOYS 16-18
7,084 yards (Black Tees)

GIRLS 11-13
4,974 yards (White Tees)

GIRLS 14-18
6,086 yards (Gold Tees)


Direct: 314.881-1307
Toll free: 800.500.8130 ext. 207